Managing Your Money

Managing Your Money

5 Budgeting Tips for Smart Holiday Shopping

Aside from gifts, when you think about all the holiday purchases you make-–decorations, greeting cards, travel, food and cookies, etc.-—it really adds up. Here are some ways to plan your holiday spending so you don’t start 2015 in debt.

Smart Back-to-School Shopping Can Teach Your Kids About Money

The sales have already started, and the ads are in the paper. Back-to-school season is here. Whether you’re preparing them for kindergarten or college, you can make the most of this chore by giving your kids something besides backpacks and new sneakers.

New Look for Online Banking

Pinnacle’s Online Banking got a new look on Dec. 4. Much of the functionality hasn't changed, but don’t be surprised if a few things have moved.

Factoring Digital Assets into Your Estate Plan

Think of all the digital photos, travel rewards, electronic statements, email accounts, drop boxes and social media profiles you've collected through the years. To ensure your fiduciary can access your digital assets, either to preserve, transfer or close accounts, your estate planning documents must indicate how you wish to dispose of them.

EMV Cards: What's The Advantage?

Magnetic-stripe transactions have been the credit-card standard for generations. But a new standard has taken over. EMV, which stands for Europay, MasterCard and Visa, is a global standard for cards equipped with computer chips and the technology used to authenticate chip-card transactions. The major difference between magnetic-stripe and EMV-chip transactions is the increased security that EMV provides. But there are many other aspects that allow the new EMV standards to outshine the older magnetic-stripe process.

Simplify Your Financial Life

Distinctive service includes providing our clients with convenient ways to manage their money. Whether you are at home, at work or on the go, we can help you get the access you need.

4 Tips for Protecting Your Assets

Business owners spend their careers striving to succeed and, with a lot of hard work and a little luck, to amass wealth. However, a lawsuit or trying economic times could chip away at that nest egg. Here are four strategies you’ll want to consider to protect your hard-earned assets.

5 Things to Do Before You Travel

Adding these five financial items to your checklist before your vacation starts will let you focus on the important things—rest and relaxation—while you’re away.

Spring Clean Your Finances

Spring is the perfect time to crack open your windows and deep clean your home. While you’re at it, you may want to take a fresh look at your finances and make sure they’re in order. Here are some areas that you may want to review this spring.

Supporting Nashville’s Booming Economy

Nashville’s status as a boomtown shows no signs of fading anytime soon. As the largest locally owned bank, Pinnacle has a vested interest in ensuring the city continues to prosper. Find out how we help support the metro area’s leaders, business owners and residents.

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