Managing Your Money
5 Facts about Estate Planning
Takeaways from this podcast include why everyone needs an estate plan, regardless of net worth or assets, and what needs to be in that plan. You’ll get information about how to title property, protecting yourself with Durable Powers of Attorney for Healthcare and Finance and whether to leave assets in trust.
Managing Personal Finances Like a Business
Many people don’t think about their lives as a business, but a lot of the lessons we learn at work can serve us well at home. Most of us deal with money in some way at the office, but we take a more relaxed approach when it comes time to organize and manage our personal finances.
6 Ways to Cut Business and Personal Expenses
In any economic environment, businesses and individuals look for ways to trim expenses and maximize efficiency. Following are several strategies that individuals and small business owners can use to save money related to their finances.
Think Twice Before Touching Your 401(k)
With fewer and fewer companies offering defined benefit retirement plans, the government put in place IRAs and 401(k) plans to encourage saving for retirement. Strict governmental rules and penalties are in place to discourage use of those funds for purposes other than retirement.
Prepare to Leave a Legacy
At a time when non-profits need resources the most, charitable giving is down. Americans either are focusing more on saving or diverting their assets elsewhere as a result of the recession.
Keeping Business, Personal Finances Separate
It’s worth taking the time to create distinct accounts for personal and business expenses for several reasons.
Credit Reports: Why Bother Checking?
Errors could keep you from buying a house or getting a job. Find out how to check your credit report and what to do if you find a mistake.
Resist Borrowing from Your Future
Instead of turning to drastic measures to cover today’s expenses, consider these tips for keeping your nest egg intact.
How To: Opt Out of Overdraft Privilege
While there are advantages to our standard overdraft privilege (ODP), you may have decided it’s not right for you. There are two options for opting out.
Creating a Financial Readiness Kit
If the worst happened to you tomorrow – a tornado, fire, hurricane, flood – what would happen to your most important documents? We don’t talk enough about having a plan for our finances. Here are some steps you can take right now to help prepare.