Managing Your Money

Managing Your Money

Insuring Your Deposits: Sample Account Scenarios

This article demonstrates how spouses with one child may achieve far more than the standard $250,000 limit in one financial institution.

Insuring Your Deposits: Categories of Ownership

Your deposits held in different account ownership categories are insured separately from each other. Understand how and maximize your FDIC insurance coverage.

Insuring Your Deposits: Insurance Limits

The purpose of the FDIC is to insure your money in the event that your bank fails. The limits of FDIC coverage per depositor are totaled by category, not by account type. This article explains how it works.

Relationship Banking is for Everyone

Depending on where you bank, you may hear the term “private banking” or “relationship banking.” These terms are often used to describe services for wealthy individuals or people who have accounts beyond checking and savings accounts. But having a banker who knows you and your financial situation is for everyone. Here’s what to look for in your relationship with your bank and the people who work there.

Does banking technology really make your life easier? Look for these features that really matter.

Technology promises to make your life easier, and sometimes it does. But what we’re after isn’t the latest app or online feature. What we’re really chasing is something that’s simple and saves us time and effort. When it comes to banking technology, these are the features you should focus on: the ones that actually make things easy.

Plan Year-End Giving Wisely

‘Tis the season for giving. Approximately 30% of all annual charitable giving occurs in December, with 10% in the last three days alone. In addition to helping a good cause, charitable donations can also make a difference in your tax bill. If you’re planning to make a gift to a charity over the holidays, here are some general guidelines to keep in mind. As always, consult an accountant or tax advisor for information specific to your situation.

Paying it Forward: Making Probate Easier for Your Estate and Beneficiaries

No matter your age, income or marital status, your assets will be distributed to someone else when you die. While a last will and testament captures your wishes for who inherits what, there are a number of steps you can take to ensure your beneficiaries receive assets more quickly, easily and with as few probate court costs and attorney fees as possible.

Are you and your business ready for an audit?

While it remains to be seen exactly how the Internal Revenue Service will spend the $80 billion from the Inflation Reduction Act, it’s fair to assume that some portion will go to enforcement of tax laws, which includes increased audit activity. There’s no crystal ball to know who’ll be selected, but we do know where the IRS’s Global High-Wealth Industry Group tends to focus its efforts and what you can do to be ready in the event you are audited.

Payment Apps: How to Spot a Scam

Cash apps are so convenient when you need to split a dinner tab with friends or pay a babysitter or dog-walker. But they're also easy money for scammers who trick people into sending them cash, and it's near impossible to get it back once you approve the payment. Here are some common scams to watch out for.

Pros and Cons of Overdraft Privilege

Whether it’s a mistake balancing your checkbook or an unexpected expense, an overdraft incident happens to almost everyone. There are mixed views on overdraft privilege services. Let us help clarify so you can find the best fit for your needs.

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