
Your search for pnfp matches 500 results
Showing results 421 to 430

421.  Credit Reports: Why Bother Checking?

In recent years, identity theft has been cited as the key reason to check your credit report on an annual basis. But a recent consumer report indicates another extremely important reason to regularly check your credit history for suspicious activity and err...

422.  Insuring Your Deposits: Sample Account Scenarios

To help you better understand how different account ownership categories can increase your FDIC coverage, we’ve provided you with a fictional example of a married couple, Alex and Jordan Smith, who have one child, Darcy. They may achieve far more than the s...

423.  Insuring Your Deposits: Categories of Ownership

The deposits held in different account ownership categories at FDIC member banks are insured separately from each other, thus maximizing the possible coverage at one financial institution. Below we’ve outlined common categories of ownership and the limits i...

424.  Insuring Your Deposits: Insurance Limits

The purpose of the FDIC is to insure your money in the event that your bank fails. The FDIC is backed by the full faith and credit of the United States government. Deposits in an FDIC insured bank, like Pinnacle, are insured dollar-for-dollar up to the insu...

425.  Debit or Credit? When to Use Each

Debit card use overtook credit cards many years ago, and when combined, card use tower over cash. According to 2020 research from Fundera, 54 percent of consumers prefer making purchases with debit cards, compared to 26 percent who prefer credit cards and j...

426.  Getting Organized for Financial Planning

The following is a list of key information and documents to begin the process of financial planning. These documents are necessary to assess your specific situation and any gaps and tailor a financial plan that helps you achieve your goals. Much of the info...

427.  Creating a Financial Readiness Kit

Good practice tells us to prepare for disasters, natural or otherwise, by having a plan: a plan to keep our family safe, our home secure and our supplies stocked. But we don’t talk enough about having a plan for our finances. If the worst happened to you to...

428.  How the New Overdraft Rules Affect You

Do a quick Google search for “overdraft changes for debit cards,” and you’ll come up with nearly 300,000 results. That’s because new consumer-protection rules on bank overdraft fees for ATM and debit card transactions will take effect this summer. Once the...

429.  6 Ways to Cut Business and Personal Expenses

In any economic environment, businesses and individuals look for ways to trim expenses and maximize efficiency. Who wouldn’t want to save a few bucks if they could? But taking some steps to save money becomes even more crucial when times are tough. Followin...

430.  Managing Personal Finances Like a Business

Many people don’t think about their lives as a business, but a lot of the lessons we learn at work can serve us well at home. For example, most of us deal with money in some way at the office, even if we’re not accountants or CFOs. But then we take a more r...

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