Some Pinnacle offices are closed or operating with reduced hours due to winter weather. All office and weather updates will be posted to
Some Pinnacle offices are closed or operating with reduced hours due to winter weather. All office and weather updates will be posted to
The COVID-19 pandemic is causing significant financial strain for individuals and businesses. Soon federal stimulus checks, emergency funds and SBA loans will be in the hands of people who desperately need them. And already, there are fraudsters devising scams to take advantage of people and profit illegally at a time when their target victims are particularly vulnerable.
It’s time to be extra vigilant about phone calls, emails or internet links purporting to be an official government entity or business to “help you” get financial aid. Here are some tips.
SBA Loan Scams
Personal Stimulus Check Scams
Fraudsters are very clever. Be wary of any communication asking you for confidential or personal information. And If it sounds too good to be true, it probably isn’t true.
Quick Links
Protecting Your Privacy
Learn how we limit sharing of your personal information.
Stop Email Fraud
Help protect yourself against email scams.
Read this for steps you should take immediately.
If you believe your Pinnacle debit or credit card is lost or stolen, call us immediately.
Depending on the services you want, you should be able to discover an option that fits your needs and your budget.
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