Fraud Prevention Services

Fraud Prevention Services

Keep the convenience while protecting your money from fraud.

Financial scammers work both banks and their clients to score an easy payday, and making payments is when you're most vulnerable. No payment method is perfect; both paper checks and electronic transfers carry their own sets of risks. But you can take steps to prevent fraud for both. Pinnacle offers easy-to-use services that help you enjoy the convenience of each while we watch closely for anyone looking to take advantage of you. 

  • Positive Pay
    If you must use a check, Positive Pay can help. It offers automated, daily reconciliation and extra protection against fraud by creating digital versions of each check. We keep those digital copies on file and use them to reconcile your account at the end of the day and verify any check presented against your account.

  • ACH Block & ACH Block and Filter
    Just like with Positive Pay, ACH Block and ACH Block and Filter protect you from unauthorized transactions. ACH Block and Filter lets you establish authorized transactions and a maximum amount per transaction. Anything that doesn’t match what you’ve authorized is blocked and will create an exception for you to review. You can then decide if you want to accept or return it. ACH Block prevents all debits, all credits, or all debits and credits from posting to your account. Any transaction that attempts to post will be returned automatically.