Community Reinvestment Act Public File
Supporting the community is a priority for Pinnacle. Below you will find each of the components the our CRA Public File available for your review. If you have any questions, please contact

CRA Performance Evaluation
This document is an evaluation of Pinnacle's record of meeting the credit needs of its entire community, including low- and moderate-income neighborhoods, consistent with safe and sound operation of the institution.
2023 CRA Performance Evaluation
CRA Branch Listing
View a list of our retail offices (branches) across Pinnacle's footprint.
Office Locations
Assessment of Area Maps
Supporting the whole community is not just a corporate responsibility. It's a fundamental part of who we are.
Download File
Public Comments and Responses
Feedback about people's experiences with our firm is vital to our continued growth and success.
View Document
CRA Disclosures
Our public disclosure statement contains information about small business and farm lending by county, community development/consortium third-party activity and assessment areas by tract. CRA Disclosure Statements may be obtained on the Federal Financial Institution Examination Council’s (FFIEC) website at the link below. Select the year of report, search by either the institution name Pinnacle Financial Partners or the Respondent ID 35583.
View FFIEC Website
Home Mortgage Disclosure Act Disclosures
Our Home Mortgage Disclosure Act disclosures capture data related to our mortgage lending activity. The HMDA data about our residential mortgage lending are available online for review, showing geographic distribution of loans and applications; ethnicity, race, sex, age, and income of applicants and borrowers; and information about loan approvals and denials. To find this data, visit the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau's website at the link below. Pinnacle's LEI is 549300CDOC4F7XSRG390.
HMDA Lookup on CPFB's Website
Opened and Closed Offices
Supporting the whole community is not just a corporate responsibility. It's a fundamental part of who we are.
Offices Opened, Closed, Relocated